10. How to... do the bridge


How to Bridge

Here at Three Pillars of Fitness, Brighton we love to build our clients bespoke exercise programmes. We do this by completing an extensive consultation that will consider your exercise preferences, lifestyle goals and movements which you struggle with or want to develop.

If you’d like to discuss ways in which we can help you to become more active and healthier, give us a call on 07713 328010.

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The supine Bridge is a fantastic exercise for mobilising the lower back is the bridge.
1. Carry out this exercise laying on your back with knees bent and your feet placed hip distance apart on the floor.

2. Before moving focus on curling your pelvis. Do this by pulling your belly button to your chin and feel your lower back come into contact with the ground.

3. Take a deep breath in and as you breathe out lift your hips off the floor until shoulders hips and knees are in a straight line.

4. As you breathe in, lower your hips to the floor.

Notes from your P.T

Bridge Three Pillars of Fitness Brighton.JPG

Muscles worked: Lower back (spinal erectors), and hamstrings. An effective glute-toning exercise, the bridge also works the rest of your core.

Sets and reps: Repeat eight to twelve times.

Tip: Make sure you are pushing from your heels and keeping the knee in line with the toe (aligned). This exercise can be made easier by putting your arms down to the sides, or progressed by splitting the position of your feet -toes forward by 4 to 5 inches on one side and pushing from the foot closest to your butt.

To advance this movement: Reach both arms out to the ceiling.

If you would like to know more about how we can help you with your Three Pillars of Fitness (Exercise, Diet and Mindset) CLICK HERE